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Accrington Stanley FC vs Forest Green Rovers FC, League One 2024 REGULAR SEASON

Accrington Stanley FC
Forest Green Rovers FC
2 : 1
4th of March 2023 15:00
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - The game is set. Accrington Stanley FC kicks off things out of here…
  • 5' - While players are taking a pause, let’s have a look at their stats. The teams met 0 times this season with winning -% of all matches.
  • 10' - It looks like no one’s ball. Forest Green Rovers FC is used to counterattacking playing. None of the sides are ready to take the lead.
  • 12' - Harvey Rodgers is having his name booked by the referee on 12.
  • 17' - Forest Green Rovers FC started playing very sharply right from the kick off. However, it slowed down the tempo rapidly by 17.
  • 22' - Forest Green Rovers FC is taking the lead after the goal scored by Myles Peart-Harris on 22.
  • 27' - Forest Green Rovers FC is showing some good football. However, Forest Green Rovers FC are ready to play back every minute. It might result in some problems for the home side. The game will hardly remain goalless.
  • 32' - It’s high time Duncan Ferguson made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 37' - Forest Green Rovers FC is defending very well tonight not leaving a chance for their rivals to get through for a goal.
  • 42' - Not even hints on scoring a goal over the last 42 minutes.
  • 43' - Forest Green Rovers FC receives a Red card for a hard tackle on 43.
  • 44' - What a strike from Aaron Pressley! The score is 1-1.
  • 45' - It’s a booking for Forest Green Rovers FC player. Corey O'Keeffe gets a Yellow card.
  • 46' - Time for substitution for Accrington Stanley FC. Sebastian Quirk is replaced by Dan Martin.
  • 51' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 56' - It is a substitution in Forest Green Rovers FC team. Jordan Garrick is replaced by Kyle McAllister on 56 minute.
  • 61' - The whistle greets Amadou Bakayoko as he departs to be replaced by Tyrese Omotoye.
  • 63' - Accrington Stanley FC manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Jack Nolan is hanging Baba Fernandes on the field on 63 minute.
  • 65' - What a strike from Rosaire Longelo! The score is 2-1.
  • 70' - Forest Green Rovers FC seems to be on a short break. The game is mainly concentrated in the center. It’s high time they got back to action. Otherwise, it looks like a goalless game.
  • 71' - Another change for Accrington Stanley FC made on 71 minute. Nathan Butler-Oyedeji leaves to be changed by Korede Adedoyin.
  • 76' - Players seem to put ease on their energy level Spectators hardly appreciate such approach. Teams need to speed up the tempo.
  • 81' - Dominic Bernard needs to be pretty careful with his discipline considering 0 Red cards this season.
  • 83' - Time for substitution for Forest Green Rovers FC. Dylan McGeouch is replaced by Charlie McCann.
  • 85' - Forest Green Rovers FC player sees a Yellow card in front of him.
  • 87' - Douglas Tharme is replacing Rosaire Longelo for the Accrington Stanley FC side.
  • 90' - The referee shows Forest Green Rovers FC player a Yellow card on 90.
  • Hope, you loved the show. Another epic battle is over with the score 2-1.

Today 2023-03-04 Accrington Stanley FC vs Forest Green Rovers FC are fighting League One league on Wham Stadium.

Accrington Stanley FC had 46 games and get got 61 points in Season (2018/19)

Forest Green Rovers FC had 46 games and get got 27 points in Season (2018/19)