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CA Platense vs Racing Club, Superliga Argentina 2025 REGULAR SEASON

CA Platense
Racing Club
3 : 0
14th of May 2023 19:30
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at . The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - Gonzalo Valdivia puts CA Platense on the lead.
  • 10' - Racing Club is defending very well tonight not leaving a chance for their rivals to get through for a goal.
  • 13' - The referee calls foul for Franco Diaz. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 16' - A meaty challenge results in booking for Gonzalo Valdivia on 16.
  • 21' - Supporters expect more eagerness from Nicolas Castro, as he is very good at scoring at with 0 goals in the last 0 games.
  • 24' - GOAL! Ronaldo Martinez scores on 24.
  • 25' - What a strike from Ronaldo Martinez! The score is 3-0.
  • 25' - That looks like a foul for a Yellow card for Ronaldo Martinez.
  • 26' - The referee calls foul for Ronaldo Martinez. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 27' - The referee shows Racing Club player a Yellow card on 27.
  • 31' - It’s gonna be a Yellow card for Hector Fertoli.
  • 36' - While there is no rush on the pitch, let’s have a look at some stats. Gabriel Arias made 114 appearances and scored 0 goals. He is very likely to score a goal today.
  • 41' - It’s high time Martin Palermo made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 46' - It is a substitution in Racing Club team. Juan Nardoni is replaced by Gabriel Hauche on 46 minute.
  • 51' - The travelling Racing Club supporters hardly appreciate their team being pressed down to the backline.
  • 53' - Nicolas Morgantini was booked on 53.
  • 58' - Spectators are craving for more action. Both teams play very cautiously. They need to put some more energy.
  • 60' - Nicolas Servetto is replacing Mauro Quiroga for the CA Platense side.
  • 65' - looks like a favorite considering 0 games won in last 0 matches with its main striker scoring goals.
  • 67' - Racing Club manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Catriel Cabellos is hanging Hector Fertoli on the field on 67 minute.
  • 68' - Another substitution for CA Platense to replace Gonzalo Valdivia by Juan Infante on 68 minute.
  • 73' - Leonardo German Sigali has certainly something to prove this evening. He made 0 appearances with only 0 goals this season.
  • 75' - Time for substitution for Racing Club. Emiliano Saliadarre is replaced by Edwin Cardona.
  • 78' - It is a substitution in Racing Club team. Baltasar Rodriguez is replaced by Maxi Moralez on 78 minute.
  • 79' - Catriel Cabellos is having his name booked by the referee on 79.
  • 84' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 89' - Both teams are passing the ball around with high level of urgency. Racing Club needs to do something about it to get closer to the goal.
  • The final score is 3-0.

Today 2023-05-14 CA Platense vs Racing Club are fighting Superliga Argentina league .

CA Platense had 27 games and get got 32 points in Season (2018/19)

Racing Club had 27 games and get got 50 points in Season (2018/19)