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Ebbsfleet United FC vs Cheltenham Town FC, FA Cup 2024 ROUND 1

Ebbsfleet United FC
Cheltenham Town FC
0 : 0
10th of November 2018 15:00
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at . The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - Both teams are passing the ball around with high level of urgency. Ebbsfleet United FC needs to do something about it to get closer to the goal.
  • 10' - Cheltenham Town FC seems to be on a short break. The game is mainly concentrated in the center. It’s high time they got back to action. Otherwise, it looks like a goalless game.
  • 15' - We miss some good tackles and strikes. Is there anyone on the field to put the game back to action?
  • 18' - It’s a booking for Ebbsfleet United FC player. Dave Winfield gets a Yellow card.
  • 22' - The supporters are chanting for Tyrone Barnett. He replaces Johnny Mullins on 22 minute.
  • 27' - Alex Addai needs to be pretty careful with his discipline considering 0 Yellow cards this season.
  • 32' - It’s high time Daryl McMahon made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 37' - The referee calls foul for Conor Thomas. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 42' - Supporters expect more eagerness from Ben Tozer, as he is very good at scoring at with 0 goals in the last 0 games.
  • 47' - Spectators are craving for more action. Both teams play very cautiously. They need to put some more energy.
  • 50' - Time for substitution for Cheltenham Town FC. Kelsey Mooney is replaced by Alex Addai.
  • 55' - While players are taking a pause, let’s have a look at their stats. The teams met 0 times this season with winning -% of all matches.
  • 60' - Jack King is replacing Ebou Adams for the Ebbsfleet United FC side.
  • 61' - It’s gonna be a Yellow card for Ryan Broom.
  • 66' - Players seem to put ease on their energy level Spectators hardly appreciate such approach. Teams need to speed up the tempo.
  • 71' - Although teams showed high tempo form the start, they seem to slow down a bit. Both sides really need to catch a fire. Otherwise, we have another goalless match.
  • 76' - It looks surprising Cheltenham Town FC does not make any changes. Christopher Clements has some obvious troubles when approaching to the goal.
  • 79' - The whistle greets Luke Coulson as he departs to be replaced by Darren McQueen.
  • 84' - Time for substitution for Cheltenham Town FC. Conor Thomas is replaced by Nigel Atangana.
  • 89' - Ebbsfleet United FC manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Lawrie Wilson is hanging Myles Weston on the field on 89 minute.
  • The final score is 0-0.

Today 2018-11-10 Ebbsfleet United FC vs Cheltenham Town FC are fighting FA Cup league .

Ebbsfleet United FC had 0 games and get got 0 points in Season (2018/19)

Cheltenham Town FC had 0 games and get got 0 points in Season (2018/19)

Todays referees are: John Busby, Marc Wilson, Stephen Finch, Paul Lister