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Estudiantes de La Plata vs CA Velez Sarsfield, Superliga Argentina 2025 REGULAR SEASON

Estudiantes de La Plata
CA Velez Sarsfield
2 : 0
8th of May 2023 00:00
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at . The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - We miss some good tackles and strikes. Is there anyone on the field to put the game back to action?
  • 10' - Gaston Benedetti needs to be pretty careful with his discipline considering 0 Yellow cards this season.
  • 15' - The referee is likely to let players tackle, as he already missed some meaty challenges during opening seconds. He is still to establish what should not be done by the players and what is acceptable on the pitch. It’s going to be a tough game for Lucas Janson suffering a number of foals already.
  • 16' - The referee calls foul for Jose Florentin. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 21' - While there is no rush on the pitch, let’s have a look at some stats. Zaid Abner Romero made 116 appearances and scored 2 goals. He is very likely to score a goal today.
  • 26' - While players are taking a pause, let’s have a look at their stats. The teams met 0 times this season with winning -% of all matches.
  • 31' - Players seem to put ease on their energy level Spectators hardly appreciate such approach. Teams need to speed up the tempo.
  • 36' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 41' - It’s high time Ricardo Gareca made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 46' - Time for substitution for CA Velez Sarsfield. Jose Florentin is replaced by Elias Cabrera.
  • 51' - Although teams showed high tempo form the start, they seem to slow down a bit. Both sides really need to catch a fire. Otherwise, we have another goalless match.
  • 56' - CA Velez Sarsfield seems to be on a short break. The game is mainly concentrated in the center. It’s high time they got back to action. Otherwise, it looks like a goalless game.
  • 59' - Gaston Benedetti puts Estudiantes de La Plata on the lead.
  • 62' - The supporters are chanting for Mauro Mendez. He replaces Mateo Pellegrino on 62 minute.
  • 64' - Damian Fernandez is having his name booked by the referee on 64.
  • 69' - The CA Velez Sarsfield manager makes a substitution. Valentin Gomez departs to be replaced by Gianluca Prestianni.
  • 74' - Spectators are craving for more action. Both teams play very cautiously. They need to put some more energy.
  • 79' - Supporters expect more eagerness from Santiago Castro, as he is very good at scoring at with 0 goals in the last 0 games.
  • 82' - Estudiantes de La Plata manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Axel Atum is hanging Benjamin Rollheiser on the field on 82 minute.
  • 83' - The whistle greets Damian Fernandez as he departs to be replaced by Christian Ordonez.
  • 85' - The whistle greets Lucas Pratto as he departs to be replaced by Santiago Castro.
  • 88' - Santiago Nunez is having his name booked by the referee on 88.
  • 90' - Lenny Lobato is having his name booked by the referee on 90.
  • Full Time. Estudiantes de La Plata beats CA Velez Sarsfield

Today 2023-05-08 Estudiantes de La Plata vs CA Velez Sarsfield are fighting Superliga Argentina league .

Estudiantes de La Plata had 27 games and get got 33 points in Season (2018/19)

CA Velez Sarsfield had 27 games and get got 28 points in Season (2018/19)