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FC Pacos de Ferreira vs FC Porto, Primeira Liga 2024 REGULAR SEASON

FC Pacos de Ferreira
FC Porto
0 : 2
22nd of April 2023 19:30
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - The game is set. FC Porto kicks off things out of here…
  • 5' - It looks surprising FC Pacos de Ferreira does not make any changes. Marcano has some obvious troubles when approaching to the goal.
  • 10' - FC Pacos de Ferreira started playing very sharply right from the kick off. However, it slowed down the tempo rapidly by 10.
  • 15' - The travelling FC Porto supporters hardly appreciate their team being pressed down to the backline.
  • 20' - Both teams are passing the ball around with high level of urgency. FC Pacos de Ferreira needs to do something about it to get closer to the goal.
  • 25' - FC Pacos de Ferreira seems to be on a short break. The game is mainly concentrated in the center. It’s high time they got back to action. Otherwise, it looks like a goalless game.
  • 30' - It’s high time Sergio Conceicao made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 33' - FC Pacos de Ferreira receives a Yellow card for a hard tackle on 33.
  • 38' - It’s gonna be a Yellow card for Nuno Lima.
  • 40' - FC Pacos de Ferreira receives a Yellow card for a hard tackle on 40.
  • 45' - That looks like a foul for a Red card for Jordan Holsgrove.
  • 46' - FC Pacos de Ferreira manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Paulo Bernardo is hanging Nicolas Gaitan on the field on 46 minute.
  • 51' - We miss some good tackles and strikes. Is there anyone on the field to put the game back to action?
  • 56' - FC Pacos de Ferreira is defending very well tonight not leaving a chance for their rivals to get through for a goal.
  • 58' - The supporters are chanting for Jorge Silva. He replaces Luiz Carlos on 58 minute.
  • 61' - Another change for FC Porto made on 61 minute. Wilson Manafa leaves to be changed by Andre Franco.
  • 66' - FC Porto is taking the lead after the goal scored by Mehdi Taremi on 66.
  • 68' - FC Porto receives a Yellow card for a hard tackle on 68.
  • 73' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 76' - The FC Pacos de Ferreira manager makes a substitution. Rui Pires departs to be replaced by Nigel Thomas.
  • 77' - FC Porto manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Danny Loader is hanging Mehdi Taremi on the field on 77 minute.
  • 78' - Another substitution for FC Porto to replace Evanilson by Toni Martinez on 78 minute.
  • 83' - GOAL! Toni Martinez scores on 83.
  • 86' - Another change for FC Porto made on 86 minute. Otavio leaves to be changed by Stephen Eustaquio.
  • That’s it! Another goalless match for FC Pacos de Ferreira and FC Porto (для сухой ничьи).

Today 2023-04-22 FC Pacos de Ferreira vs FC Porto are fighting Primeira Liga league on Estadio Capital do Movel.

FC Pacos de Ferreira had 34 games and get got 38 points in Season (2018/19)

FC Porto had 34 games and get got 91 points in Season (2018/19)