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FK Rostov vs FK Tambov, RFPL 2024 REGULAR SEASON

FK Rostov
FK Tambov
2 : 0
2nd of May 2021 13:30
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at Rostov Arena. The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 10' - That looks like a foul for a Yellow card for Vladislav Karapuzov.
  • 12' - It’s a booking for FK Tambov player. Vladislav Karapuzov gets a Yellow card.
  • 17' - FK Tambov started playing very sharply right from the kick off. However, it slowed down the tempo rapidly by 17.
  • 22' - Rodion Syamuk has certainly something to prove this evening. He made 0 appearances with only 0 goals this season.
  • 27' - It’s high time Sergey Pervushin made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 32' - While players are taking a pause, let’s have a look at their stats. The teams met 0 times this season with winning -% of all matches.
  • 37' - Supporters expect more eagerness from Vladimir Kabakhidze, as he is very good at scoring at Rostov Arena with 0 goals in the last 0 games.
  • 41' - The referee calls foul for Armin Gigovic. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 46' - It looks like no one’s ball. FK Rostov is used to counterattacking playing. None of the sides are ready to take the lead.
  • 51' - Both teams are passing the ball around with high level of urgency. FK Tambov needs to do something about it to get closer to the goal.
  • 53' - Catalin Carp is having his name booked by the referee on 53.
  • 54' - Kento Hashimoto is having his name booked by the referee on 54.
  • 59' - Not even hints on scoring a goal over the last 59 minutes.
  • 64' - We miss some good tackles and strikes. Is there anyone on the field to put the game back to action?
  • 66' - Time for substitution for FK Rostov. Armin Gigovic is replaced by Georgi Makhatadze.
  • 67' - Time for substitution for FK Tambov. Anton Terekhov is replaced by Roman Minaev.
  • 70' - What a strike from Dmitrii Poloz! The score is 1-0.
  • 74' - Time for substitution for FK Tambov. Farkhod Vasiev is replaced by Kirill Klimov.
  • 75' - Time for substitution for FK Rostov. Denis Terentjev is replaced by Alexey Kozlov.
  • 76' - The supporters are chanting for Kirill Folmer. He replaces Dmitrii Poloz on 76 minute.
  • 78' - What a strike from Georgi Makhatadze! The score is 2-0.
  • 80' - The supporters are chanting for Pavel Mamaev. He replaces Kento Hashimoto on 80 minute.
  • 81' - Nikita Drozdov is replacing Vladimir Kabakhidze for the FK Tambov side.
  • 86' - Although teams showed high tempo form the start, they seem to slow down a bit. Both sides really need to catch a fire. Otherwise, we have another goalless match.
  • That’s it! Another goalless match for FK Rostov and FK Tambov (для сухой ничьи).

Today 2021-05-02 FK Rostov vs FK Tambov are fighting RFPL league on Rostov Arena.

FK Rostov had 30 games and get got 45 points in Season (2018/19)

FK Tambov had 30 games and get got 31 points in Season (2018/19)