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Jubilo Iwata vs Urawa Red Diamonds, J. League 2025 REGULAR SEASON

Jubilo Iwata
Urawa Red Diamonds
0 : 6
13th of August 2022 09:30
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at . The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - Goal! David Moberg-Karlsson scores his 14 goal in 26 matches.
  • 10' - It’s high time Ricardo Rodriguez made some changes to put the his team’s game back to action.
  • 13' - GOAL! Yoshio Koizumi scores on 13.
  • 18' - It looks like no one’s ball. Jubilo Iwata is used to counterattacking playing. None of the sides are ready to take the lead.
  • 23' - Not even hints on scoring a goal over the last 23 minutes.
  • 28' - Players seem to put ease on their energy level Spectators hardly appreciate such approach. Teams need to speed up the tempo.
  • 33' - Both teams are passing the ball around with high level of urgency. Jubilo Iwata needs to do something about it to get closer to the goal.
  • 38' - Urawa Red Diamonds seems to be on a short break. The game is mainly concentrated in the center. It’s high time they got back to action. Otherwise, it looks like a goalless game.
  • 40' - David Moberg-Karlsson with the second goal in the match!
  • 44' - Jubilo Iwata receives a Yellow card for a hard tackle on 44.
  • 46' - Ataru Esaka is replacing David Moberg-Karlsson for the Urawa Red Diamonds side.
  • 49' - That looks like a foul for a Yellow card for Hiroki Sakai.
  • 54' - Ataru Esaka needs to be pretty careful with his discipline considering 0 Yellow cards this season.
  • 59' - It looks surprising Jubilo Iwata does not make any changes. Ken Iwao has some obvious troubles when approaching to the goal.
  • 63' - What a strike from Atsuki Ito! The score is 0-4.
  • 66' - GOAL! Yoshio Koizumi scores on 66.
  • 71' - Kazuaki Mawatari has so much to prove this time. He replaces Hiroki Sakai on 71 minute.
  • 74' - The referee shows Jubilo Iwata player a Yellow card on 74.
  • 78' - Ryo Germain has so much to prove this time. He replaces Fabian Gonzalez on 78 minute.
  • 79' - What a strike from Kasper Junker! The score is 0-6.
  • 84' - Spectators are craving for more action. Both teams play very cautiously. They need to put some more energy.
  • 89' - Although teams showed high tempo form the start, they seem to slow down a bit. Both sides really need to catch a fire. Otherwise, we have another goalless match.
  • With this win, Urawa Red Diamonds is likely to improve its situation in the overall team standings.

Today 2022-08-13 Jubilo Iwata vs Urawa Red Diamonds are fighting J. League league .

Jubilo Iwata had 34 games and get got 30 points in Season (2018/18)

Urawa Red Diamonds had 36 games and get got 62 points in Season (2018/18)

Todays referees are: Yudai Yamamoto