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Wellington Phoenix FC vs Melbourne City FC, A League 2024 REGULAR SEASON

Wellington Phoenix FC
Melbourne City FC
1 : 3
2nd of January 2023 02:00
First half: 45  |  Second half: 45

Live comments

  • 0' - We are underway at . The crowd does wile while the referee lows the starting whistle.
  • 5' - Spectators are craving for more action. Both teams play very cautiously. They need to put some more energy.
  • 7' - Melbourne City FC player sees a Yellow card in front of him.
  • 12' - Players seem to put ease on their energy level Spectators hardly appreciate such approach. Teams need to speed up the tempo.
  • 16' - Wellington Phoenix FC is taking the lead after the goal scored by David Ball on 16.
  • 18' - What an equalizer from Mathew Leckie!
  • 22' - It’s a booking for Melbourne City FC player. Curtis Good gets a Yellow card.
  • 27' - We miss some good tackles and strikes. Is there anyone on the field to put the game back to action?
  • 28' - Steven Peter Ugarkovic is having his name booked by the referee on 28.
  • 33' - It looks surprising Wellington Phoenix FC does not make any changes. Valon Berisha has some obvious troubles when approaching to the goal.
  • 38' - Spectators do not have much to choose from both teams. The sides had several scoring chances but they still need a bit more than just a sight of a goal.
  • 43' - Supporters expect more eagerness from Callum Talbot, as he is very good at scoring at with 0 goals in the last 0 games.
  • 46' - Nuno Reis is replacing Curtis Good for the Melbourne City FC side.
  • 50' - What a strike from Jamie MacLaren! The score is 1-2.
  • 51' - Jamie MacLaren with the second goal in the match!
  • 53' - Another change for Wellington Phoenix FC made on 53 minute. Steven Peter Ugarkovic leaves to be changed by Kosta Barbarouses.
  • 58' - Melbourne City FC is defending very well tonight not leaving a chance for their rivals to get through for a goal.
  • 63' - looks like a favorite considering 0 games won in last 0 matches with its main striker scoring goals.
  • 67' - Another change for Melbourne City FC made on 67 minute. Callum Talbot leaves to be changed by Scott Galloway.
  • 70' - The referee calls foul for Richard van der Venne. He receives a Yellow card.
  • 75' - Not even hints on scoring a goal over the last 75 minutes.
  • 80' - Scott Galloway has certainly something to prove this evening. He made 0 appearances with only 0 goals this season.
  • 85' - Wellington Phoenix FC is showing some good football. However, Wellington Phoenix FC are ready to play back every minute. It might result in some problems for the home side. The game will hardly remain goalless.
  • 86' - The supporters are chanting for Scott Jamieson. He replaces Richard van der Venne on 86 minute.
  • 88' - Wellington Phoenix FC manager makes another effort to make the tables turned. Oskar van Hattum is hanging Yan Sasse on the field on 88 minute.
  • 89' - The Wellington Phoenix FC manager makes a substitution. Callan Elliot departs to be replaced by Nicholas Pennington.
  • Another three points for Melbourne City FC.

Today 2023-01-02 Wellington Phoenix FC vs Melbourne City FC are fighting A League league .

Wellington Phoenix FC had 26 games and get got 38 points in Season (2018/19)

Melbourne City FC had 25 games and get got 46 points in Season (2018/19)